Better late than never

It feels like last weekend but it’s been two weekends since the opening festival for beer week. We came, we drank… we drove home drunk (I know, I know!) Anyways overall lots of good beers here in SD, a ton of IPA’s haha. I left with my palette in a frenzy and would’ve prolly been able to find decent flavors in a dog turd. Hop Juice and Beached Whale were my two favorite IPA’s. Everything else got lost on the way to my belly. My flannel also got a few compliments and Phill’s had $3 pulled pork sammies. All in all good times but you already know this because it happened two weeks ago 🙂

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Recent Kaws

I meant to post these a while back. Some new Kaws toys I don’t own. I thought they were cool just not cool enough to buy.

Belly is full of…

So I decided to try a new danky beer every day last week but I fucked up and had the same beer on monday and tuesday.

With that said monday and tuesday’s bottles were Pliny the Elder. All I will say is this beer is good and if you see one drink it up asap and enjoy life.

Seeing as that was so good I decided to try something else from the russian river family and gave the damnation ale a try. I assumed it was good because it has a cork and the title ends in “tion” haha. And christ was I right! I don’t really know how to describe it but it feels alive. Like I am drinking micro organisms. The foam itself is a specimen as it never fully dissolves and trails around the glass. And these get better with age in the bottle.

Thursday I had a stone vertical epic 10.10.10 which was super dank. Slight carbonation and fruity notes make this beer almost champagne like. It also had a marshy smell and feels a little less alive than the damnation ale. Super good stuffs. This guy can also be stored away and aged.

On friday I brought home one of each. Then on saturday I picked up a ruination ipa and a racer 5 ipa, both were yummy. I also picked up a few other goodies for another day. I am pretty stoked for beer week next week, should be blast. I am also pretty stoked on beers that get nookier over time, I can horde like a muh fugg.

My Apologies

I am aware that it is 2010 and anybody remotely interested in this is prolly subscribing via their prefered rss reader so it is really no big deal but this blog be dyin a slow, slow one. I like to think of it as preparing for hibernation. Right now my blog has not shaved for almost two months, it has a gnarly neck beard and has replaced water with beer. It is going to sleep till about february so it is really letting go and gaining a few (for the sake of being warm tough!)

I dunno I am just lazy I guess. I always thought if I had a cool phone I would blog allllll day. But it’s the same as it ever was. My life simply is not that exciting and I’m not complaining… well sorta… I friggin miss riding to work (wah!) Once the weather settles down I will figure out a route to my new work. Until then I think I will do the neck beard and beer thing.

Vintage General Electric Kitchen Stuffs

I helped my friend Jim move yesterday to this cool little spot that is sort of in the hood. It’s a nice little one bedroom apartment. I walked into the kitchen and almost yacked to the high levels of cute radiating from the stove and oven area. I don’t know dick about vintage kitchenware but the old GE kitchen is pretty bad ass.

The kitchen has pink tiles, pink stove top and a pink oven. The oven is pretty rad, you look at it an immediately know it’s some old shit and has more character than most people encountered on a day to day basis. It also has a clock/timer/countdown style interface that no longer works (it was prolly the tits back in 1950)

The stove is electric (has no flame but the rings that get red hot) and is by far the coolest part of the whole kitchen. It features clicky analog blender style buttons to control heat levels rather than knobs. Each burner has six buttons and when any button other than off is pressed down the GE logo lights up red!

Last but not least there is a non-functioning blender built right into the counter top. It is a silver panel with one hole for the blender to go into and a big ass knob you turn. Again this must’ve been tits back in the fifties. I wish it still worked, I imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to get it back in working order if one were so inclined.

There are also a few other cool things I didn’t take photos of. The doorbell being one of them. It has a short but wide button and when pressed it clicks in and rings upon release. The ring is similar to that of an old game show bell and I think it is actually a bell being struck by a tiny hammer upon releasing the button. We must’ve pressed it twenty times to figure out where it was coming from and when we saw the little metal box in the hallway we realized it was also a vintage doorbell.

The bathroom also had some cool stuffs including a doorless medicine cabinet of sorts built into the wall across from the toilet to house your toilet paper, some magazines, misc. bottles and a hand towel. Then next to that low hanging wall unit is a similar style hamper built into the wall. It has a door on top to drop in your dirty clothes and door at the bottom to pull them all out come laundry time. I’m torn as it is very functional but oddly clunky, maybe more for the kids who have a hard time tossing their dirty clothes in the hamper.

It’s really cool to see old relics of past eras still in working condition in some slightly hood apartment in San Diego. It makes me wonder how many more gems like that are scattered all throughout the various neighborhoods in SD.

Samsung Vibrant – One Week Later

Well a little over a week has gone by and I must say I’m pretty happy with this phone. The screen and camera are pretty stellar. And it caters very well to needing to be connected to the internet at all times. At first I was reading around and a lot of people were bitching about battery life, gps, facebook syncing, foursquare and other various conditional bugs and weirdness. Naturally I assumed the same would be true about my phone but alas I’m all good.

My first gripe was the battery life. I was trippin out because I would use the phone from 7am to about 5:30pm on a full charge and the battery would be dead. This was of course with a magic moving background that reacts to touch, wifi, both gps modes, and gmail/twitter updates every five minutes. Upon reading around I figured the problem was the amount of shit I was needlessly running and not something wrong with the phone or its battery. It took me a second to realize my phone is basically a tiny laptop, in the sense that if I walked around with an unplugged laptop and worked it from 7 to 5 the battery would also probably be dead.

I fixed it by opening the browser on the phone and doing a google image search for “black.png”. From there I downloaded the smallest and blackest from the results. I read this on some blog (I read too many and didn’t bookmark, sorry I cannot properly credit the person, but THANK YOU!) and it also mentioned that the super awesome screen on the phone uses no battery when generating black (f-ing genius!) So by setting the black.png as the background my battery life became noticeably longer. I also changed the update settings on my gmail and twitter and set them to fifteen minutes instead of five minutes. I also keep the wifi and gps services turned off unless I need them, that way they aren’t needlessly searching for signal. I also read that any vibrating is using the battery up, I assume more so than silent or a regular ringtone since there was no mention of ringtones doing damage. I left all the cool vibrating shit on though because I enjoy the way it feels when I type haha. But I know I can kill it when the wow factor wears off if I want to milk the crap out of my battery life. To finish it all up I downloaded this task killer app that let’s you kill running apps that I run every now and then but not too often or I’ll waste my battery haha. My battery life on a full charge is now like 1.5 days 🙂

Another gripe was that it came with a bunch of pre-installed apps that you cannot delete with out “rooting” your phone. Which is making yourself the super admin of the phone which is awesome if you’re a semi-smart human but you risk deleting important shit and turning the phone to a paper weight. I had to download a few more apps but from there on it was all gravy. I deleted all the random crap but kept the Avatar movie cuz it’s friggin ridiculous. It is kind of lame that they make you basically void your warranty to remove apps you will never ever use… seriously who is playing Sims 3 on their phone??? That is some scary shit.

Other than that my gps is good enough, foursquare is kind of crazy sometimes and I still can’t sync with facebook but I will live without fb updating itself every 15 minutes. Oh and the wordpress app loads all your images at the top of the post for some reason (luh-haaaaaaaaaaaame). Android OS is pretty bad ass though and I am considering getting a book on it. The camera is pretty good too. T-mobiles network isn’t too terrible. I thought it would be worse because I never had a data plan and wasn’t too sure what to expect but I’m happy for now.

Labor Day Woot

All in all it was a fairly memorable holiday weekend. The Cono-Lu came down too, which is always a good thing.

I kicked it off with buying a new phone. After going thru two tmobile dash phones and relying on a beat up razor I use as a back up phone I decided it was time to up my phone game.

I wont lie I really would like an iphone but I dont even own a mac so changing mobile service providers just to own one seems silly. So I went with what for now seemed like the next best thing- the T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant (It’s not an iphone)

It’s pretty nice and I really dig the android os. It’s kind of weird to always be connected to the internet.

Next highlight was the slaying of the San Diego bay. Conor and I were dropped off in coronado and rode down the strand and up past chula and nasty city before cutting thru down town and landing back at my place in city heights. 30 or so miles, felt great.

And Lu found me a sweet watch for $15.00 and the rest was history. It’s like time travel. A timex makes me feel like I’m eight years old! It is huge and has indiglo and I set it up to beep every hour 🙂

This is also my first post using the wordpress app for android.





On the streets

As a bike commuter I spend more time noticing trends of sorts by what is on the side of the road.

For instance one could gather that the month of August was a low sales months for the local hookers as the only ghetto daffodils (used condoms) around the street are the ones from previous weeks and sometimes months (rubbers unlike a hooker’s love, last forever). Nothing indicates the economic status like used condoms and small empty baggies.

One could also gather that a rising number of degenerate dog owners have figured out that it’s okay to clean up after your dog and toss the baggie full of dog shit right into the street, where I take they assume nobody (important) will step on it. This week alone I have counted five on my route to and from work. I swerve and curse their anonymity. If I knew who did it I would collect them and leave them at their door step so they too could experience what is dog shit in bag where it shouldn’t be.

And while this next item isn’t exactly a trend it always brings me great joy to witness while the sun is out and setting.

Every now and then I will ride past a jogger lady and see everything she is working with below the waist under a sheen of thin black lycra… then I circle around the block and bare witness all over again before taking off with a big grin on my face realizing there is no kosher way of informing someone that their pants are virtually see thru when the sun hits them at the right angle. I don’t know if they are rocking the wrong jogging pants or if they just so proud they don’t care…. like fuggit my ass looks fantastic, everybody should know.

Moving Day!

So last weekend I had the joy of moving from my old apartment (#6) to a new one across the courtyard (#5) and while moving sucks fat elephant balls it was a really good chance to give my toys the one on one dusting they have deserved for well over 3 years. The end result being a few alright photos of a decent pile of kaiju. The actual pile is about 2.5 laundry baskets worth of toys.

bucket-o-joy bocket-o-joy

the pile the pile

in the pile in the pile

New Tires!

These fyxation tires are so effin pink! I sorta forgot because it had been so long. They are freakishly pink, like a toxic crusader. They are so bright I don’t even want to expose them to the sun because I know as soon as they see the sun they will begin a slow fade out too a chewed gum shade of pink. I remember when I got my first set of these tires I got various compliments from people in cars and random children who like pink (ewwww).

fyxation tires

Actual Pain – Destroyer Denim Vest

I am now the best dressed chicken in town! After staring at this thing for what felt like forever I finally pulled the trigger when the actual pain store had a 35% off sale. I’m a cheap fuxxor, what can I say.

The shoulders are a tad bit “renegade” but they will be fine once worn in.

actual pain destroyer denim vest actual pain destroyer denim vest

Managing Custom Post Types, Oh My!

I was extremely stoked to hear that wordpress 3.0 was bringing custom content post types into the mix. Which I guess were supported in 2.9 but I never really knew that, go figure. Anyways upon updating I was confused. Where is this custom post type management area I asked. Everything looked the same.

Upon googling the topic I soon realized it was not as easy as I imagined. While it was as easy as pasting some code from a tutorial. I really had no idea what I was pasting. So I gave it a few weeks and searched again and I found something helpful.

I found two plugins (not modules… drupal heh) that pretty much made it as painless as I imagined it being.

The first is the Custom Post Type UI plugin. It does just as the title would indicate: provides you with a UI for creating and managing your custom post types. It also provides a way for you to create and manage taxonomies for your custom post types.

The second is the Simple Custom Post Type Archives plugin. Now after I created a custom post type with the greatest of ease with the above plugin. When you create a custom post type (ie: albums) each album post would have the url: Naturally I thought if I went to I would get a list of all the album post types. I was wrong and was left ponder how I would go about listing these of on a page in an aggregated fashion like a category page. I tried a few things and failed. After some searching around I found this plugin. It literally just does that. It makes so when you go to you will get a list of all the album post types. Just install, enable and boom! It was that easy.

I wanted to get a tad bit fancy so I created a type.php which is the equivalent of category.php. It worked for me because I have only one custom post type but I think you can get more control if you use type-album.php (album being the name of your custom post type)

With all that said you may notice there is now an audio link in the main navigation and there is no longer an audio category. That’s right. The albums are all their own custom post type. So I guess kudos to wordpress, great work as always.