Belly is full of…

So I decided to try a new danky beer every day last week but I fucked up and had the same beer on monday and tuesday.

With that said monday and tuesday’s bottles were Pliny the Elder. All I will say is this beer is good and if you see one drink it up asap and enjoy life.

Seeing as that was so good I decided to try something else from the russian river family and gave the damnation ale a try. I assumed it was good because it has a cork and the title ends in “tion” haha. And christ was I right! I don’t really know how to describe it but it feels alive. Like I am drinking micro organisms. The foam itself is a specimen as it never fully dissolves and trails around the glass. And these get better with age in the bottle.

Thursday I had a stone vertical epic 10.10.10 which was super dank. Slight carbonation and fruity notes make this beer almost champagne like. It also had a marshy smell and feels a little less alive than the damnation ale. Super good stuffs. This guy can also be stored away and aged.

On friday I brought home one of each. Then on saturday I picked up a ruination ipa and a racer 5 ipa, both were yummy. I also picked up a few other goodies for another day. I am pretty stoked for beer week next week, should be blast. I am also pretty stoked on beers that get nookier over time, I can horde like a muh fugg.